The Husky Pack 5k run is an upcoming event created by race director Chad Finley and on March 21st a meeting was held to discuss on the future of the race. Members that were present in the meeting included Darrin Kass, program advisor, alumni volunteer coordinators Rachel Lewis and Kara Finch and student volunteers Stefan Helmlinger and Brenna Richter.
During the meeting Finely talked about the 5k Husky Pack run, how it got started, the impact it has on Bloomsburg University and volunteer guidelines. Members discussed approvals needed and an appropriate date and time for the event. The event is set to be on Sunday October 14th, 2019 at 8:30 am until 10:30 am. The run will be placed on upper campus and sign ups will be held on Saturday either at the Kehr Union Building or on upper campus. Runners cannot run with strollers or a dog and the time limit to walk is one hour.
T-shirts will be handed to runners at the start of the race and more prizes will be handed at the end of the race as well. Information will soon be put on the BU alumni page about sign ups and when to register. The maximum number of runners that can participate is 500 and runners under the age of 18 will need a parent to be present during the race. More information will be released soon and for any questions contact Chad Finley:267-275-5278
Chad Finley (above) had a meeting with alumni volunteer coordinators, student coordinators and program advisor Darin Kass (above) to discuss the Husky Pack 5k run that is scheduled to take place on Sunday October 14th at 8:30 am on upper campus. During the meeting Finley talked about final approvals and assistance in spreading the word.