Is thrifty spending worth it?

How to get the most bang for your buck

Lexi Klatt, BU AMA Club

If you are like me, thrifting is a weakness. Finding the best deals on the coolest items and only spending just a few bucks is always the way to go. But is this really the best way to shop? 

Oftentimes, the cheap products we buy are made with even cheaper materials that tend to break or become overused in a short amount of time. The overproduction of these cheap products creates a problem – pollution – because the consumers throw the broken or overused material in the trash pretty frequently, which could be avoided with the better-made products.

Most people would rather get a deal now and pay the price for a new item in the future, but this is not always the smartest way to shop.

If people start to demand better-quality products, companies would have to listen and do something about it. They would switch to fewer, more durable goods at a slightly higher price to make the best possible product for people purchasing it. 

These new products might be set at a higher-than-average price, but the lifespan of these products will last way longer than the alternative cheap versions. 

This new strategy would make a higher profit for the business and help them overall. 

According to the American Marketing Association, this is what the Buy-It-For-Life (BIFL) community wants from the producers: less junk. BIFLers strip the sedimentary value of the product and focus on the overall performance before purchasing. 

If companies choose to make the switch to more durable goods and create better products, they need to find customers who will support the company in the long run. 

Who will they target to do this? Students. We are the future, so we have the biggest impact in the long run for business sales. 

If students like what the business has to offer, they will rave about it and more people will want the same thing for themselves. If it fails, there will be a great number of bad reviews causing very few people to want that item. 

However, if they get us hooked, now we are more likely to keep buying from them in the future and possibly even promote the products to our friends. Students are a hard market to advertise to, so these companies have to do something unique to gain interest. 

When making your next purchase, think about what you are getting for your money. As a college student, you probably do not have hundreds of dollars to drop on the new fashion trend, but chances are those same products can be found with a little bit of thrifting. 

Yes, it is the cheapest way to shop, but this does not mean it is always bad. You can find many brands such as Champion, Patagonia, and North Face apparel for under 10 dollars, but the material is still just as good as if you paid 50 or more for it in the store.

Look at the quality of the material. Will it fade or break in a short period of time?

If so, maybe you should do some further research to find the best quality for the best price. 

Personally, I think everyone should take advantage of cheap prices, but should do it in a smart way where you get the best for your money. 

Lexi is a sophomore Marketing major and member of the BU AMA Club.