Trouble has arisen regarding identification showing up in the student recreation center system, according to Executive Director of the Student Recreation Center, Jen White.
“The IT department is aware that some new student ID’s are not working in our Rec Center access control system,” said White when asked about the problems.
The system she is referring to is called Transact, and is in use at all three of Commonwealth University campuses according to Alex Miller, Executive Director of Technical Support Services at Commonwealth.
To combat this, the staff at the recreation center has created Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to track students whose identification cards are not working in the system.
“I verify their student status in Banner and we place that information on the Excel file so rec staff can identify these scenarios more quickly when students are checking in at the front desk,” White said.
White said that the recreation center has not been heavily affected by this issue, but explained it as just being an “extra step” that must be taken now by workers who run the front desk as well as herself.
Transfer students, international students, as well as first years are among those facing the issue most prevalently according to rec center employee and student Torsten Hartmann.
“Then there’s also a bunch of random students whose IDs are glitched and never scan,” said Hartmann.
“From an ID card perspective, the new IDs are new accounts,” said Alex Miller regarding the problems with first year students.
“So, the history for access is most likely split between the two… old student IDs and new student IDs. But all the data is there, it’s just a matter of knowing how to review it.”
Miller also explained that the issue has no relation to Banner which was a common misconception about the issue with students.
It is unknown how long it may be until the problem is completely resolved.