4 months. 120 days. 10 articles. 1 editorial. Countless hours of interviewing, writing and editing. Still no change. The math doesn’t add up.
Since the beginning of last semester, The Voice has been dedicated to uncovering and reporting the developments of Commonwealth University under the presidency of Dr. Bashar Hanna. What we found has been worrisome: deficits, wrongful termination suits, declining programs, fed-up faculty and a faltering sense of camaraderie. Our work has not gone unnoticed. Our reporting has been met with cheers from other campuses, gratefulness from the husky community and, unfortunately, silence from our administration.
The Voice is a branch between the student body and the leaders overseeing this university. We are the amplifiers of the voices on this campus. Consolidated into a handful of pages is a study guide of the student experience- what topics matter to them, their opinions on university changes and their desires for the future of this university.
We urge our administration to pick up a copy and recognize that our work is not merely the thoughts of a small group of student journalists but as snapshot of well-documented dissatisfaction among the husky community. Whether you agree with our conclusions or not is not the point. Recognize that the majority of students, faculty and staff are not happy with the current state of the university or the direction it’s moving. We ask that you respond to those concerns in an active dialogue, not impersonal PR written statements sent out in mass emails.
The Voice extends an open invitation for an active discussion to all members of this community- students, professors, support members, staff and concerned community members. Submit a “Letter to the Editor” to [email protected] with your opinion on the current state of the university, a message to our administration or anything else you wish to share. While not all submissions will be included in our print edition, every piece will help The Voice as we continue to report on these trends.
Together, we will make our voices heard.
The Voice.
Your campus. Your news. Your voice.