Student Art Exhibition at Greenly Center
November 6, 2022
BLOOMSBURG (PA)- Arts in Bloom presents a month-long Bloomsburg University Student Art Exhibition in The Gallery at the Greenly Center The Greenly Center is located at 50 East Main Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. The exhibition is being held from October 31 until December 1st. There was a reception on November 4th from 5:30-7:30.

The event was run by Brock Dent the Gallery Coordinator of BU, who helped Arts in Bloom install everything. The exhibition features five solo artists. Each artist was required to submit a proposal for possible acceptance.
Only five student artists were to be chosen. The event itself features five student artists: Ciera Zacek, Russ Gleeson, Lindsay Miscio, Viktoria Romania, and Samuel DeVries.
Samuel DeVries is continuously finding his style each day as he explores all kinds of mediums. His piece within the gallery is built upon theological debates and beliefs. You can see it straight through the gallery window of the Greenly Center gallery.
Tori Romania’s artworks define her relationship with nature and the environment. She continues to define her style, “My style of art is hard to pinpoint exactly. I think it mainly combines surrealistic ideas with striking visual elements and has a sort of exciting discomfort to it. For the pieces presented in the show, her main medium used was oil paint.
Russ Gleeson shares a very impressive work of art which is a piece in his section of the gallery, titled, “They’re the Only Times I’ve Ever Known.” This piece is a 40″x30″ and is drawn in ballpoint pen and graphite. The amount of time and handwork put into this with just a ballpoint pen and graphite is remarkable.

Ciera Zacek’s artwork is definitely what one would call a trip. Her style of work is focused on various styles of line work and self-portraits. Zacek emphasizes her style, “I concentrate in printmaking, which includes silkscreen, etching, woodcuts, and more. I also enjoy painting in my free time.” She continues to share how this event has made her feel confident in her own work and reassures her as a hard-working art student.
All of these five talented artists dedicated so much time in the Art Studio of the Arts & Administration building and amongst many hours of their free time. These students were very grateful to be granted this opportunity to share their hard work and parts of themselves with other people to enjoy. The craftsmanship they had to share is unlike any other original to these five aspiring artists, which makes this exhibition so special.

Events like these also allow these students to plan for their future and to have a colorful vision ahead of them. Arts can instill a strong set of emotions, feelings, and attachment. Zacek shares, “Art makes me feel extremely powerful because I am able to create imagery that words can’t portray. In the future, I hope to teach art and continue making my own.” Art instills a sense of power just as this exhibition in The Gallery at The Greenly Center has for these aspiring artists.