Commonwealth University is currently searching for a new Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs to fill the seat of Dr. Diana Rogers-Adkinson who is leaving to join PASSHE in July. The university sent out a survey to students, faculty and staff inviting them to offer their own opinions on what they want to see out of the next provost. This survey is one of many that have been sent, showing CU’s commitment to hearing out students and faculty throughout every step.
“… It’s built into the culture of our university, that we are not a top-down organization. We want our students, staff and faculty to be a part of this process from day one,” said CU’s Director of External and Government Relations, Dan Knorr.
The survey is anonymous and a third party is collecting the results, according to Knorr. The feedback offered by those who participated has not been released to administrators yet. Survey results will be compiled and sent to those involved in the search following March 8th.
The provost position has been advertised to both internal and external applicants. CU is looking for an individual who is experienced in higher education, a leader, relatable to students, has an established record of teaching and research and has some fiscal budget experience.
“[The] next provost is going to be critical,” said Knorr.
With roughly 20 months under its belt, CU is young compared to other institutions. The changing of hands in a position this high up has the potential to launch CU onto a path of success, predicts Knorr.