What happened:
All Commonwealth University student emails changed domains to @commonwealthu.edu on June 29th, 2024. The Office of Information Technology notified students via email multiple times after the end of the Spring 2024 semester before the official switch.
Why it matters:
The switch signifies the ongoing merger of Bloomsburg, Lockhaven, and Mansfield campuses into Commonwealth University. Students are used to the @huskies.bloomu.edu domain included in the emails given when first enrolled at former Bloomsburg University.
The background:
“It was a bit of an adjustment at first and a little annoying,” says sophomore Media and Journalism major, Michael Harry, “I understand it was needed for the direction they were going to.”
According to Eric Foster, a Content and Production Specialist here at Bloomsburg, “The reason for the change was to streamline access to Banner and course scheduling across Commonwealth University and its campuses. The change will also enable students to participate in future course-sharing initiatives across the State System.”