Going into the 8th week of classes, Elwell Hall has experienced about 15 fire alarms. Only one of these alarms was a scheduled drill and residents are sick of it. As one of the over 600 residents of Elwell, the first few fire drills were no big deal, as we all assumed it was a one-time thing. As the year has gone on, the alarming amount of fire alarms have been a source of frustration among residents and RAs (who I’m sure don’t get paid enough to deal with all this but that is another topic) alike. The source of the fire alarms, who knows? But one thing I do know is that no one likes to be huddled outside at 2:00 AM on a Tuesday because someone triggered an alarm. On my floor we have a whiteboard outside of someone’s door that keeps track of how many days fire alarm-free we are, and to my knowledge, our record is about 10 days of no fire drills. On the other side of statistics, we’ve had multiple days in a row with alarms, to the point where some students ignore it and stay inside (which, to remind you readers, is not something you are allowed to do). The frequent alarms are putting unnecessary strains on the jobs of the building RAs, to the point where every floor has had mandatory meetings about the frequent alarms. We’re tired, the RAs are tired, and everyone wants it to stop. The streaks of no alarms are almost serene, as we’ve grown so familiar with the sound of the blaring alarms. As the weather grows colder, I grow more anxious about our frequent outdoor huddles. No other building on campus is having this problem, and I’m sure residents who have switched dorms for one reason or another don’t miss that piercing alarm while trying to get some sleep.
Elwell: The Fire Drill Hall
Eric Wood, Staff Writer
October 13, 2024
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Eric Wood, Staff Writer