The centennial celebration of The Voice, a student-run newspaper, on February 20, 2024, has a significant impact for the current Co-Editors-in-Chief. As stewards of a century-old publication, we reflect on the journey that The Voice has undertaken since its beginning, we celebrate not only its longevity but also its legacy of journalistic talent and student empowerment.
From reporting on student projects and campus activities to holding university administration responsible, The Voice has acted as a spark for discussion, argument, and constructive change.
We appreciate the duty that was placed on us as curators of The Voice’s history as we represent the foundations of those who came before us. As this publication has established itself for a century, we are honored to uphold the highest expectations of journalistic honesty, moral reporting, and editorial independence.
Being able to have the opportunity to report and investigate on various topics within the realm of higher education, we continue to learn more each day about our university, the world around us, and strive to inform our audience. For the future, the editorial team can learn about the newspaper’s struggles, victories, and progress throughout the years by digging through archives, interviewing alumni, and analyzing previous editions.
Running a student newspaper is not an easy task. Hours and hours of hard work are put into our bi-weekly publication, in order to continue the legacy that is The Voice. Having a dedicated and hardworking team, helps production run smoothly so we can deliver important information throughout our campus.
Throughout its 100 year span, The Voice has witnessed both successes and failures, It has documented moments that have molded our campus community, has brought many together and will continue to do so for, hopefully 100 more years.
In essence, the centenary celebration of our publication provides not only as a historic opportunity to honor the past, but also as a platform for ongoing learning and growth. We are beyond grateful to lead such a hardworking team behind an important staple of the Bloomsburg campus.