Cru is a Christian club on campus that focuses on sharing the gospel and building a community for anyone to come and learn about Jesus. The club’s mission statement defines Cru as “a community where the gospel captivates hearts, transforms lives, and launches men and women into a lifelong adventure with Jesus Christ.”
All students are welcome to join Cru and attend their events, no matter their religious beliefs. The club has a strong focus on building community, so they want people to come, feel welcomed, and build relationships within the club.
Why Cru?
Gabby Degler, a senior criminal justice major, is highly involved in Cru and is on servant team. She believes that the importance of this club is to spread the love of Jesus and help grow the number of disciples that follow Him. Degler states, “This club is just a vessel that He (Jesus) can work through to reach students on our campus, through community, and hearing the gospel…”
While there are many amazing parts of attending Cru, Degler says her favorite thing is the friendships she has made with other members of the club. She explains, “Christian friendships are unlike any other… there is just a deeper love and understanding. We pray for each other, we uplift each other, keep each other accountable. It’s just a sisterhood, an eternal sisterhood, and it’s amazing.”

Degler joined this club after coming to know the love of Jesus in college and learning the importance of being part of a Christian community. During her time in Cru, she has taken on the role of evangelism, meaning she goes out into the community to discuss the gospel with others in hopes of opening their eyes to the love of Jesus.
Events and Involvement
Cru holds many events during the semester, some of which vary from week to week and others that are consistent. The main Cru event during the week is a large group meeting, which occurs on Tuesdays at 7:30 in Sutliff room 102. Typical large group club meetings start with announcements and a short game. They then move into a few worship songs and then the message for the night, given by either Cru staff or a local pastor. The meeting concludes with a few more worship songs and then free time for discussion among members.
Additionally, on Monday nights, Cru holds men’s ministry and women’s ministry. These events are a chance for members to study the Bible, discuss challenges or joys in their lives, and just gather with fellow men or women. On Wednesday nights, there is a family dinner and a large group Bible study. Degler enjoys family dinner as it is “a little break from the craziness; we get to be friends and talk to each other; [and] eat together.”

Get Involved!
The best way to get involved in Cru is to follow the club’s Instagram page (@bloomucru) and come to the large group meetings. At large group meetings, students can be put into the GroupMe for the club, which has daily reminders and updates about upcoming events.
Degler wants students to know: “We want you to come! And, even if you are not religious, and you are not going to sing, and you are not going to listen to the message and you just come for the game, just come for the game. Just come and talk to people… we would love to see you here.”